Welcome Get-n-Go to the family

  • Welcome Get-n-Go to the family

    The PriceAdvantage team would like to extend a warm welcome to Get-n-Go as our latest c-store customer to join the PriceAdvantage family. Get-n-Go is using PriceAdvantage to automate and accelerate fuel pricing at their 18 convenience stores throughout South Dakota.

    Get-n-Go selected PriceAdvantage based on their confidence that the software will help them price fuel more confidently and quickly.

    “We’ve had our eye on PriceAdvantage for quite some time,” stated Dave Vande Kamp, Get-n-Go’s Controller. “It was simply a matter of timing. We were operating on an older version of the Gilbarco POS, and once we upgraded we were able to easily take advantage of the PriceAdvantage pre-built integration. Now all of our critical pricing data is streamlined and I can price fuel faster with great confidence that I am making a sound decision.”

    Get-n-Go is running PriceAdvantage as a SaaS solution to leverage the benefits of a cloud service model including the low upfront cost, ease of implementation, and the maintenance and infrastructure cost benefits.

    “The fact that I can price fuel from my phone is huge. I’m no longer tied to my desk and I have more time to focus on my other responsibilities,” stated Vande Kamp.

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